AU Project Activities in Ghana

Farmers field training

Farmer Field Schools Training Programmes In Ghana


Baseline Studies:


Demonstration Plots:

  • Rice

Value Chain Workshops

  • Rice (Coming Soon......)
  • Maize (Coming Soon......)
  • Cowpea (Coming Soon......)

Sub Research Projects

  • Rice (On-going...)

Multi-locational trials of newly developed lines planted done at three locations- Fumesua, Weta. Ten lines (Table 1) including two checks were planted in three replications using RCBD.

DigJas- 3CSIR-CRI, Ghana
DigJas- 61CSIR-CRI, Ghana
DigJas-78CSIR-CRI, Ghana
KBR 2INERA, Burkina Faso
FKR 62NINERA, Burkina Faso
KBR 12INERA, Burkina Faso
KBRV4INERA, Burkina Faso
KBR 10INERA, Burkina Faso
ORYLUX 6Regional check, AfricaRice
CRI-AgraRiceNational check, Ghana


Harvesting has been done in all three sites and data is being processed. A field day was organized at Weta.

A focus group discussion during field day on demonstration field at Weta

  • Maize (On-going...)
  • Cowpea (On-going...)