Celebrating 17 Years of Excellence at WACCI

Celebrating 17 Years of Excellence

Celebrating 17 Years of Excellence at the West Africa Centre for Crop Improvement (WACCI)

This June, we celebrate a remarkable milestone—the 17th anniversary of the West Africa Centre for Crop Improvement (WACCI) at the University of Ghana. From its inception in June 2007, WACCI has grown into one of Africa's leading institutions for plant breeding education at the PhD level and a shining example of excellence in training Africans for Africa.


Our journey began with a vision to lead postgraduate training and research in crop improvement across West and Central Africa. Today, that vision has been realized. Our PhD in Plant Breeding programme has enrolled 160 students, with 111 graduates so far. These graduates, including 38 exceptional women, are represented across 15 African countries. Our alumni have made significant contributions, developing numerous crop varieties, publishing in peer-reviewed journals, and securing grants to support crop improvement initiatives across the region. Our MPhil in Seed Science and Technology, aimed at transforming Africa's seed sector, has seen 95 students enrolled, with 41 already graduated. Altogether, the WACCI project and its alumni have attracted over $100 million to West and Central Africa since its inception.


Established in 2015, the Kofi Annan Enterprise Hub for Agricultural Innovation (KAEHAI) at WACCI is rapidly becoming a platform that inspires entrepreneurial spirit among the youth. Our research efforts have significantly improved food security, leading to the release of maize and tomato varieties that promise to benefit farmers nationwide.


Our progress has been fueled by invaluable partnerships with governmental bodies, non- profits, industry stakeholders, and educational institutions locally, nationally, and globally. These collaborations have been crucial in curriculum development, teaching, research, and securing the resources necessary to train our students.


As we commemorate our 17th anniversary, we extend our heartfelt appreciation to our partners and stakeholders. Your support and collaboration have been instrumental to our success, and we look forward to continuing our impactful work together.


Reflecting on our journey, it's clear that WACCI and its sister institutions, the African Centre for Crop Improvement (ACCI) based at the University of KwaZulu-Natal and the Makerere Regional Centre for Crop Improvement (MaRCCI) at Makerere University, have transformed agriculture in Africa. Thirty years ago, finding a young crop scientist in Africa was a rarity. The agricultural sector was dominated by an aging cohort of scientists, many of whom had trained abroad. Despite efforts to send African scientists overseas for training, many did not return, leaving a gap in local expertise.


WACCI created a new paradigm by offering world-class postgraduate education within Africa, taught by world-class instructors and focused on African crops and challenges. Our graduates are now prominent across West Africa and beyond, recognized for their confidence, competence, and motivation. They are the cadres who will develop the resilient, nutritious and productive varieties of staple crops that our farmers yearn for.


Our work is far from finished. Just as crop improvement is an ongoing process, so too is the training of crop scientists. As we look into the future, we are poised to assume greater leadership roles, co-designing and co-implementing capacity development initiatives with the CGIAR and other partners.


However, world-class education comes at a cost. Many bright, motivated agricultural scientists from humble backgrounds cannot afford this education without significant financial support. Without this support, the quality of WACCI’s education will decline, and the cycle of aging agricultural scientists from the 1990s could repeat itself.


WACCI, ACCI, and MaRCCI are making a big difference in Africa. It is important to recognize, celebrate, and support their achievements. As we celebrate WACCI's birth month, let's remember our mission continues. Your support and collaboration are crucial as we work towards a brighter, food-secure future for Africa.


Thank you for being part of our journey and for your continued support. Together, we can achieve remarkable things in Africa.


If you wish to join us in launching our WACCI 3.0 project in August 2024, please reach out to us via comms@wacci.ug.edu.gh for the details.




Eric Yirenkyi Danquah, PhD Cantab

Professor & Founding Director, WACCI

2018 GCHERA World Agriculture Prize Laureate 2022 Africa Food Prize Laureate


On behalf of the entire WACCI Family