Faculty List


Full NameAcademic Title/QualificationPosition at Institute
Eric DanquahProf. / Genetics & Plant BreedingLecturer, Crop Improvement and Biotechnolog
Irene EgyirProf. / Agricultural Economics/AgribusinessLecturer, Seed Business Management
Richard BaniProf. / Post Harvest EngineeringLecturer, Seed drying, processing and storage
Pangirayi TongoonaProf. / Plant BreedingLecturer, Crop Improvement and Biotechnology
Vincent EziahProf.  Plant EntomologyLecturer, Seed Health Management
Samuel SimpsonProf. / AccountingLecturer, Financial Management in the Seed Sector
John Ofosu-AnimProf. / Agronomy/Crop PhysiologyLecturer, Seed Biology and Production
Kwadwo OforiProf. / Plant Breeding & BiometryLecturer, Biometry and Research Methods for Seed Technologist
Daniel DzidzienyoDr. / Plant Molecular Genetics/BiotechnologyLecturer, Crop Improvement and Biotechnology and Seed Trade, Policies and Regulation
John ElebluDr. / Plant Molecular Genetics/Plant BreedingLecturer, Crop Improvement and Biotechnology
Agyemang DanquahDr. / Plant Molecular GeneticsLecturer, Crop Improvement and Biotechnology
Pearl AbuDr. / Plant BreedingLecturer, Crop Improvement and Biotechnology
Theresa AnkamahDr. / Plant BreedingLecturer, Biometry and Research Methods for Seed Technologist
Mavis Owusua Osei OwusuDr. / Molecular BiologyLecturer, Seed Biology and Production
Gloria EssilfieDr. / Food Safety/Postharvest TechnologyLecturer, Quality Assurance in the seed industry
Christiana AmoateyDr. / Plant BiologyLecturer, Seed Biology and Production and Seed Trade, Policies and Regulation
Seth BoatengDr. / Entrepreneurship DevelopmentLecturer, Entrepreneurship Development
Collins AsanteDr. / Agricultural Economics/AgribusinessLecturer, Seed Business Management